2023 Latimmier Diversity Questionnaire
The original questionnaire was conducted on Google Forms. We have copied the questions and options here for transparency.
This short questionnaire is anonymous and voluntary. It aims to provide some limited data on the diversity of the people we work with.
We have sent this questionnaire to all staff members, freelancers and interns who have worked with us in 2021-2022. We have not sent this to models that walked on our runway - our goal is to conduct a separate questionnaire for models in the future.
The results of this questionnaire will be published online on our 2023 Sustainability Report. The results will be published in a way where individuals may not be recognized from the results.

1. What is your age?
- 18-24 years old
- 25-34 years old
- 35-44 years old
- 45-54 years old
- 55-64 years old
- Other:
2. How would you describe your gender identity?
- Agender
- Female
- Gender Fluid
- Gender Non-Conforming
- Genderqueer
- Male
- Non-Binary
- Transgender Female
- Transgender Male
- Questioning or Unsure
- Prefer not to say
- Other:
3. How would you describe your racial identity?
- Arab
- Asian
- Black / African-American
- Hispanic or Latino
- Indigenous peoples (Africa)
- Indigenous peoples (Asia)
- Indigenous peoples (Australia)
- Indigenous peoples (Europe)
- Indigenous peoples (North America)
- Indigenous peoples (South America)
- Multiple / Mixed race
- North African or Middle Eastern
- Pacific Islander
- White
- Prefer not to say
- Other:
4. How would you describe your sexual orientation?
- Asexual
- Bisexual
- Fluid
- Gay
- Lesbian
- Pansexual
- Queer
- Questioning or Unsure
- Straight (Heterosexual)
- Prefer not to say
- Other: